Will Pubg Mobile unban in INDIA. How will PUBG Mobile ban be removed from India
Will Pubg Mobile unban in INDIA. How will the PUBG Mobile ban be removed from India?
So the question is will the PUBG MOBILE ban be removed. How will Government unban PUBG Mobile?
Pubg is not a Chinese Game at first, PUBG which was first released in PC originates from South Korea and its Developers: PUBG Corporation, KRAFTON. Pubg, since it got quite good popularity, was made available to everyone by introducing a PUBG MOBILE game. So Pubg mobile was launched by PUBG with the help of Tencent which is a big Chinese Company.
So the prime reason for PUBG being banned in India is due to Tencent which is a part of PUBG MOBILE. Therefore, the Pubg Mobile ban will be removed if PUBG just gets Tencent out of the PUBG.
WHEN WIll Pubg Mobile Ban be Removed?
And it is highly speculated that after 7 days PUBG mobile will get unban since PUBG already knew this and has been working to get any Chinese company out of its PUBG Mobile at least for INDIA.
Be patient PUBG MOBILE ban will be removed in a Few Days
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